Wednesday, February 23, 2011 These were yummy. Especially the icing. I may just make the icing next time. The browned butter made it taste like toffee icing. Yum. The cookies were also really good, but be sure and not overbake them like I did a few times. If you aren't a nut cookie person, several reviewers said they didn't use them and added chocolate chips instead. I think the combination of the toffee icing and milk chocolate chips would be really good!


  • We have bible study on Wednesday nights, so our meals are usually pretty quick and easy. Tonight is breakfast for dinner - eggs, toast, bacon, and maybe waffles.
  • Sloppy Joes ( Yes, indeed, I treat my man right. Actually, I just needed to use up the rest of the sub rolls from meatball subs on Monday.
  • Spinach salad. We are getting our iron this week. Must use up the 500lb bag of spinach from Costco...
  • Orange slices
  • Pizza! Boy, we are on a roll for healthy this week!

And now for something completely different...

Ok, it's like we're all busy or something. No one has time to take a picture of their beautiful food before putting it on the table. So, on to idea number 2. Just post what you are having for dinner that night (or that week). I'm sure we have things on our rotation that another one may not. And it might encourage me to know that you guys also had pizza 4 times in a week just like we did last week...gross.

We should, of course, still post other recipes that might not fall in the made-for-dinner-tonight the cookies I made the other day...

I'll start.